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Wellness Drop-in Program

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The Wellness Program is a didactic, instructional group program designed to enhance the wellness process that anyone can use to manage life. It is designed to provide tools to respond to daily changes such as sadness, stress, feeling bad, or experiencing challenges in managing past or current life events. The program helps to develop various coping techniques (toolkit) that can also assist anyone who is engaging in the counselling process.

The program consists of 90-minute sessions for a 4-week rotation covering topics such as:

  • Module 1: Sense of self
  • Module 2: Boundaries and communication
  • Module 3: Feelings, anxiety and stress
  • Module 4: Depression and anger

Join one of our Wellness Program’s ongoing group counselling sessions anytime.

Given the continuous drop-in format of the program, new members can join at any time and therefore have the opportunity to engage in all sessions.
The program is accessed by dropping in to one of the following time slots:

     Mondays – 10:00am – 11:30am
     Mondays – 5:00pm – 6:30pm
     Wednesdays – 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Note: All groups (treatment & psycho-educational) are professionally facilitated.

No programs on Monday Holidays.  Please contact Customer Care at  519-966-5010 for more information.


Wellness Program sessions are held at our Main Office located at 1770 Langlois Ave, Windsor, ON N8X 4M5.

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Need to Talk? We can Help.

Start the conversation today: 1-888-933-1831 or [email protected]
