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Our Programs

Counselling Appointments

Book an appointment to talk with a qualified counsellor!

Housing and Homelessness

A partnership of agencies who work together to help people find affordable, rental housing and end the cycle of homelessness.

Essex County Homelessness Hub

The Essex County Homelessness Hub (ECH2) is a drop-in program that is designed to meet the specific needs of individuals and families in Essex County who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

Adult Protective Service Worker

Through our Adult Protective Service Worker (APSW) Program, we help adults with developmental disabilities living in the community to be independent, safe and secure.

Elder Abuse Response Service

Through our Elder Abuse Response Service, we help older adults deal with neglect, bullying and abuse. 

Income Tax Completion

We can complete and file Income Tax Returns for individuals and couples with simple tax returns and a modest income.

Our Impact in 2023-2024


People accessed permanent housing


Calls received to access our programs and services


Counselling Sessions Delivered


Income Tax Forms Completed

Learn more about our work and the impact we have in Windsor-Essex by reading our most recent Annual Report.

Our Why

What makes us human is the
drive to self-determination.

When people lose this drive due
to injustices such as trauma, poverty,
exclusion and discrimination, FSWE
provides support to build resiliency
and restore people’s ability to choose
their own place in the world.