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Bell Let’s Talk Day 2019

Family Services Windsor-Essex helps raise awareness about Canada’s mental health.

*One in five Canadians will experience a form of mental illness at some point in their life.

On January 30th, FSWE Board and Staff joined the conversation about mental health and mental illness in support of Bell Let’s Talk Day 2019.


2 FSWE staff holding Bell Lets Talk Day 2019 signs2 FSWE staff holding Bell Let's Talk Day 2019 signsTwo staff people holding Bell Let's Talk Day signs at FSWE


BLT Day 2019 sign

BLT Day 2019 sign







2 FSWE staff holding Bell Let's Talk Day 2019 signs

Need to Talk?  Family Services Windsor-Essex can help:

We all face challenges in our daily lives. Everyone needs to talk at some point in their life.  Family Services Windsor-Essex is here to let people know that we have qualified counsellors that will listen, support and work with people through every stage of their life.  Whether you facing a mental illness, or are looking to bolster your mental health, Family Services Windsor-Essex is here to help.



3 FSWE staff holding signs for Bell Let's Talk Day 2019

We help individuals (all ages), couples (married or other), families (including their children & teens), adults with developmental disabilities or mental health issues. Counselling services are available throughout the week across Windsor & Essex County. Walk-in services are available.  Evening and Saturday appointments available upon request.

Call our toll-free number 1-888-933-1831. 


2 FSWE Staff holding Bell Let's Talk Day 2019 signs

What happens when people contact Family Services?

During your initial call, we will:

  • Listen & learn about why you are calling and what you need right now
  • Discuss counselling and support options
  • Review any potential counselling fees, walk-in times, locations, etc



4 FSWE staff holding Bell Let's Talk Day 2019 signs

At your counselling appointment:

  • We’ll meet privately to listen and learn about your worries and concerns
  • Decide what issues to work on together
  • Help you deal with your challenges
  • Help you move forward in your life



2 FSEAP Windsor-Essex Staff holding Bell Let's Talk Day 2019 signs

Workplace Wellness Matters:

According to the Mental Health Commission, on any given week, *more than 500,000 Canadians are unable to go to work due to mental health problems. Mental illness is the second leading cause of disability and premature death in Canada.  We therefore encourage working environments that support the overall mental well-being of their employees.  Healthy, happy, and productive employees are the essence of an effective organization. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) keep organizations, individuals and families functioning at their best.


FSEAP Windsor Staff holding Bell Let's Talk Day 2019 signsFamily Services – Employee Assistance Program (FSEAP) is a Canadian, not-for-profit, community-based EAP provider that has been working to sustain healthy workplaces and strong communities since 1975.

FSEAP – We design and deliver services that meet the unique needs and concerns of organizations, their employees and family members. Contact us 1-844-720-1212 for more information about our Employee Assistance Programs for you, your family, your employees, or your organization.


Need to Talk?  We can Help Contact us today at 1-888-933-1831!


*Canadian Institute of Health Research, *Waddell, C., McEwan, K., Shepherd, C.A., Offord, D.R., Hua, J.M. (2005).