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CMWE Volunteer Community Mediator Application Information

About CMWE

Community Mediation-Windsor Essex (CMWE) provides free community mediation services in Windsor/Essex.

The program is delivered through a roster of qualified, dependable, and committed volunteer mediators, who possess active listening skills, patience, and the ability to work effectively as team members.

Working in two-person teams, mediators assist individuals, groups, and organizations in discussing and resolving disputes or concerns in mutually satisfactory ways.   

This program provides services in English and French, along with interpretation where required. CMWE is collaboration of Family Services Windsor-Essex, Saint Clair College and the Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic.

People interested in becoming volunteer community mediators should review the CMWE website to become familiar with the program

We need you!

We are currently recruiting for new Volunteer Community Mediators.

If you are interested, please complete the application steps listed below and note the upcoming Training Dates:

Thursday, June 9th from 6:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday, June 11th from 9:00am-5:00pm
Sunday, June 12th from 9:00am-5:00pm

CMWE Volunteer Mediator Application & Training Process 

Step 1

Fill out the Volunteer Application Form.

As there are limited volunteer spaces for this volunteer program, Volunteer Applicants will be pre-screened and only those selected will be contacted and interviewed by CMWE to determine the best fit for the program at this time. 

Step 2

After completing the form, please attach your resume and references to the application or e-mail them to [email protected]

Step 3

Selected applicants will be contacted for a volunteer interview. Successful volunteer applicants will be asked to submit a current Police Clearance and a signed Volunteer Agreement, confirming their intention to participate as a volunteer in the program for a minimum of 2 years. 

Step 4

Accepted applicant volunteers are required to complete the 21-hour Community Mediation Volunteer Training which is being held at St. Clair College on: 

  • Thursday, June 9th from 6:00pm – 9:00pm 
  • Saturday, June 11th from 9:00am – 5:00pm 
  • Sunday, June 12th from 9:00am – 5:00pm 

This training session will include program review, history, theory and role-playing to help prepare volunteers for their roles as volunteer co-mediators. Further details on the training session to be provided upon acceptance as a volunteer.

Lunch, refreshments, parking and training materials will be provided.

Volunteer Commitment 

Trained Community Mediation Volunteers are asked to confirm their intention to participate as an Active Volunteer in the program for a minimum of 2 years.  It is acknowledged that there may be extenuating circumstances where this may not be possible. Volunteers are asked to connect with the Program Staff should such a circumstance arise. 

Participation includes:

  • The initial Community Mediation Volunteer Training
  • Attending at least 2 Volunteer Community Mediator 1-2hr Refresher Meetings annually.
  • Keeping the Program Staff current on the Volunteer’s contact email and phone number
  • Readily replying to any request to handle a mediation case
  • Handing cases with a co-mediator following the CMWE guidelines.

Case assignments and remaining active on the volunteer CMWE roster remain the sole discretion of the CMWE program staff.

CMWE Community Mediation Process  


  1. Initial inquiry received from Participant 1 (or a referral) by the CMWE Administrator. 
  1. The CMWE Administrator initiates contact with Participant 2 to determine their interest. 
  1. If either Participant decides not to proceed, alternative recommendations are given where available. 
  1. If both Participants agree to proceed, then a request is shared with the Volunteer Community Mediator Roster to determine availability and fit. 
  1. Co-mediators work together to contact both participants to learn more about the issues and set up Community Mediation Session (in-person or virtual options). 
  1. Co-mediators together facilitate a Community Mediation Session that allows both parties to discuss their concerns and hear the others concerns in a safe, supportive environment.  Co-mediators facilitate a decision-making process that helps the participants develop a mutually agreeable decision to move forward in their lives. 

Please note that a full community mediation process may take up to 6-10 hours for the case development, setting up the meetings, meeting prep, holding the meeting session and closing out the case.

CMWE rotates cases where feasible, to share the volunteer load between the entire active roster. 

For more information on the program or to volunteer, contact CMWE staff at 519-966-5010 or [email protected]

Community Mediation Windsor-Essex (CMWE) is a collaboration between the
Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic, St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology, and Family Services Windsor-Essex.