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Workplace Wellness Matters!

Wrapping up the Family Services Windsor Essex’s

Workplace Wellness Walking and Active at Work Challenge


James Hope shows Wendy Dupuis a few stretches during today's session

James Hope shows Wendy Dupuis a few stretches during today’s session


James Hope, Personal Trainer from the YMCA took FSWE staff (and all staff at the Langlois Community Hub) through active stretches targeting muscles that can seize up while being sedentary during the workday.  We were able to practice several stretches combined with breathing techniques and focus on proper posture to help keep us active and fit while working all day.  Here’s another short stretch that helps with posture during the workday.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the wrap up and all staff who participated over these past 4 weeks of the Workplace Wellness Spring 2018 Challenge. Workplace Wellness Matters! It was a great way to kick off the spring and get moving!


Companies that would like learn more about workplace wellness, can contact our Family Services Employee Assistance Program (FSEAP) for information on various levels of support and training at 1-844-720-1212 or

Categories: Announcements|EAP