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Joyce Zuk Honoured

WEBLC “Innovative Collaboration Award”


November 7, 2019 – We are very excited to announce that Joyce Zuk, Executive Director of Family Services Windsor-Essex was recognized last night for her Exceptional Leadership and Devoted Community Service in Windsor and Essex County!

Joyce Zuk

At their Annual General Meeting, the Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic (WEBLC), a founding partner in the Langlois Community Hub honoured Joyce with their Innovative Collaboration Award, which celebrates innovation, partnership and excellence – all qualities that Joyce exemplifies.

WEBLC acknowledged Joyce’s vision and leadership through the 2014 development and ongoing operation the first client-orientated ‘Community Hub’ in the country, that is housed in a private, community-based facility. Kevin Pinsonneault, WEBLC Executive Director talked about Joyce’s vision and unwavering commitment to the development of this and any project she takes on. He further explained how the partnership had not only benefited their agency but more importantly their clients who can access health, mental health, legal, financial, and sexual assault services all under one roof.

“Five years have now past since we began this journey together and Joyce’s passion for the innovation, partnership, and excellence continues to burn brightly,” says Kevin.  “But we know that the journey doesn’t stop here. We know your vision for the future of our community will continue to change and grow.  We look forward to being on that journey with you.” Click here for the full version of his presentation.


Categories: Announcements