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Zero Suicide Pathway

Book an appointment through our SI Pathway below

You will receive a call at the time selected from a social worker in our customer care department. At the end of the call, you will be set up for counselling services with a member of our clinical counselling team.


Please note that you are not eligible for the SI Pathway if any of the following is true about you or your situation:

  • You pose a high risk to yourself, risk to others, or are at significant risk of self-neglect. 
  • You are self-harming, which is the primary concern. 
  • You have symptoms of acute mania. 
  • You have symptoms of acute psychosis. 
  • You have a diagnosis of severe/complex personality disorder. 
  • Your substance use would impact your ability to actively participate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapty (CBT). 
  • You have a severe eating disorder that could impact your ability to actively participate in CBT. 

About the SI Pathway

Family Services Windsor-Essex and Windsor Regional Hospital have worked to create a pathway from in-patient to out-patient community care.

This pathway can provide you with individual and group counselling to address your thoughts of suicide.

Each session will aim to teach you helpful strategies to use when you are feeling low. We will spend time talking about suicide, how we pay attention to our thoughts, our behaviours, and the significance of hope.

Research tells us that to best position you for success, your family and doctor must be involved in your care. This important circle of people will surround and support you.

What you get

  • 6 individual counselling sessions
  • 4 group sessions
  • Regular caring contacts
  • Access to surveys to monitor how you’re feeling
  • Access to virtual wellness modules
  • Access to additional group offerings

Is there a cost?

You tell us what you’re comfortable paying. Subsidies are available for those who qualify.