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Uproot Elder Abuse WEAAD2020


On June 15, 2020, let’s recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

with renewed conviction and energy, uproot elder abuse and plant a seed for change


Since WEAAD’s inception, communities across the globe have used the day to raise the visibility of elder abuse, by sharing information and promoting resources and services that increase seniors’ safety and well-being.  The current pandemic may have disrupted our way of life and altered WEAAD plans, but here is something we can all do safely in our own homes:

Plant something in our gardens and on our windowsills.  

Make it a neighbourhood planting ceremony, or a family activity, by using a video call or hosting a Zoom gardening session!  Wear purple at work or in a Zoom meeting! Trees and plants have a healing quality that positively affect our communities, our world and us.


You too can support World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:





On June 15, join us on social media to share our campaign #UprootElderAbuse and your gardening pictures/videos with us. A safe, fun, and intergenerational activity to engage in together to help plant the seed for change!

We also chose to plant trees and seedlings this year to symbolize the connection between older adults and the planet we all dwell on. Environmental crises are directly connected to increased vulnerability and to the violation of older people’s human rights. In times of disasters, older adults are often among the most vulnerable populations who face ageist attitudes and policies, and a lack of access to suitable resources and services.


On June 15, 2020, let’s recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

with renewed conviction and energy, to uproot elder abuse and plant a seed for change.


Links to further information:

For more information or to book an interview, contact: Mehnaz Rafat, FSWE Program Coordinator 519-966-5010 x1035  [email protected]

Media Coverage links:  Biz X Magazine,


Categories: Events