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‘Family Transitions’ a Triple P ‘Positive Parenting Program’

5 week program for separated or divorced parents

Tiple P Positive Parenting Program - For Every Parent -logo


Woman talking in group therapyWhen:   Tuesdays 

Dates:   October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 / 2019

Time:     5:45-7:45 pm

Where:  Family Services Windsor Essex Office

Location:  1770 Langlois Avenue, Windsor, ON N8X 4M5 

Fee:   FREE


This Triple P program will cover such topics as:

  • Effective ways to communicate
  • Coping and relaxation skills
  • Strategies for resolving conflict

Family Services Windsor-Essex is pleased to host the FREE Family TransitionsTriple P – ‘Positive Parenting Program’  at our office located at 1770 Langlois Avenue in Windsor

For more information on the Triple P program go the the HDGH Triple P – Positive Parenting Program website, or call 1-519-257-5215 ext 74033.

For more information on Family Services Windsor-Essex counselling, support and advocacy services go to the website.

Categories: Counselling